For those of you not following the issue closely, Senator Arlen Spincter (Specter) has managed to get the judiciary committee to agree on language for legislation that would create a Guest Worker program leading to AMNESTY, even though seventy percent of Americans OPPOSE such legislation. In short, the time for action has arrived, we need to MARCH on Washington to oppose this and call for the securing of our Southern Border, and the deportation of the 15-20 million illegal aliens (80 percent of them of Latino decent) who are currently stealing our jobs and way of life.

If you would like to be involved in organizing such a march, or would like to donate to the cause please contact me via email at for the link to our secured message board where the logistics and planning of this event can begin.

I am one citizen, and believe that united in a common cause we as LEGAL AMERICANS can and must make a difference by taking a stand on this important issue.

Pinto Bean