By Frosty Wooldridge
January 30, 2006

By the time the Roman Empire died in 476 AD, few noticed, few cared and few stood up to do anything about it. If you look at America today, exactly the same events that collapsed the Romans accelerate within our borders in the early part of the 21st century.

Rome was a Republic that morphed into an empire. It began in Italy and quickly conquered most of the known world. Its power spread from the Middle East, Africa and most of Europe. Its armies numbered 300,000 soldiers that attacked lesser nations at will. But soon, the most powerful civilization on earth ruptured, bled and died.

Does this sound like the nation you live in? The United States was once a Republic, but today, our military bases penetrate as an empire in dozens upon dozens of countries around the world. Our president and Congress provoke wars on sovereign nations at will: Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq and potentially Iran. The United States morphs into world conquests without end. America hemorrhages with the same calamities that destroyed Rome.

In his brilliant book, “The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and Barbarians,â€