I just read the following "advice" from a stock guru and wondered what it would mean for our cause:

The President-Elect announced this past weekend a plan to add 2.5 million new jobs during the first two years of his time in office. Focusing on roads, bridges and schools that have been neglected for many years, a rebuilding boom of epic proportion appears to be in the works. This should not be a surprise given that the current crisis is being compared to the Great Depression.

I guess a big crisis requires a big government solution. No matter debating the political merits or lack thereof of such a response. Big spending is coming, and heavy construction-oriented companies like Fluor Corporation (FLR) will be huge beneficiaries.

http://www.investorplace.com/experts/ja ... art11.html

All I could think of was, "Great. New construction of any kind anywhere, and we will be indundated with illegal workers from Mexico taking those jobs." I'm wondering if there will be any stipulation about workers being legal since these would be government projects to get people working again. I think we need to be watchful and proactive on this issue because Obama is intending to make this project a top priority.