If this site has been posted before, I appologize.
I just received an email from givemeliberty.org about their 2 full-page ads they are running on the "Open Letter To Obama" about his birth certificate. In the email was a link to a yahoo page that allows you to search by zipcode for media. Then you can copy-n-paste whatever you want and it's automatically sent to the recipients you chose. FREE

On the same page where you sellect recipients, you can opt in for WEEKLY notices sent to you on how your reps are voting on any given act or bill or? I never knew about this, and now I don't have to go to each site and look up email addresses or have to create them and send them seperately. I commented here because those of us who email illegal alien stories to local or national media have an easy way to do it. No guarantee they will read them or care, but now I can easily flood their inboxes.

Pretty cool if you never knew it existed!