China a greater threat than the former USSR.

Are we the American people so enamored with cheap, counterfeit and dangerous products that we will sell our soul and American values just to "keep them coming'?

How many of you are out of work and on the verge of being ... that, you still won't let your economic voice be heard?

China is building up its military. Now why do you think they are doing that?

I am willing to pay more for goods made here are you?

We must demand good quality and environment friendly result.

We must demand a strong military to checkmate any threat.

The draft was a bad IDEA to dispose.

I disliked the military service but I served three years in the Army.

A small price to pay for being an - American citizen.

China is almost controlling or economy.

Why do we not have tariffs on imported goods?

Why do we allow China and Mexico to guide our policy?
Who is in control here?

Will my children and grandchildren have the blessings that we cherish so dearly?

If the current policies stand for much longer ... I think not.
