Heres a copy of an email I sent to the Catholic Church. I think all catholics and Lutherans should get involved and tell their churches to stop supporting open borders and illegal immigration.

I hope I have the right department for some questions regarding the catholic church on ILLEGAL immigration. First why is it the church is defending ILLEGAL immigration? There are laws in the United States and if you are not familiar with the punishment of coming into the United States ILLEGALLY its many years in prison. That is a law of this country. I like many people support LEGAL immigration. Illegal immigration has closed more than 60 L.A. hospitals due to finacial burden of unpaid bills. Illegal immigration has cost the American legal taxpayers in the Billions for education of their children. The counterfit of Social Security cards, Idenity theft etc. If you support this put your money were your mouth is and begin writing checks to the hospitals that are overwhelmed.Write some hefty checks to the schools for schooling the children of Illegals. And maybe you would like to give up your personal info for some illegal immigrant to work on. Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. The Legal American should come FIRST in their own country period. If you wish to talk about the HUMAN FACTOR in this the families broke up during Swifts raids also talk about the average middle income American worker that has trouble making ends meet due to Illegal immigration. Illegals depress wages that is FACT. Yes there are SOME jobs Americans will not due. But the construction industry for example has seen its wages depressed while Illegals working in this industry has increased. Maybe the Catholic Church would like to pay these American people and their families for being laidoff or not getting a job in the industry. The employer will always pick cheap labor for a higher profit margin. This is simple and just plain logical. I realize these people are poor but at what expense to the American people should we pay.
Also the Church has been critical about the building of a fence on our border. Some questions. We know that most of the illegals coming into this country are Mexican and also Catholic. If they were Muslim would you support open borders? Is the church aware of how much illegal drugs come over the mexican border every year? Not to mention the terrorist that will be entering this country through that or the Northern border if they are not secure.The catholic church is very hipocritcal on this because there is a border wall around the vatican.Again YOUR CHURCH IS BEING CRITICAL OF WALL OR FENCE ON OUR BORDER BUT HAS ONE AROUND THE VATICAN!!! Tear down that wall before you become critical of the one this country is building.The bottom line is we do not live in a perfect world. Many of the illegals comming here do not support America but are just here for the work nothing more. So please tell the bishops and cardinals before they make stupid comments please get the facts and stop trying to push this country into the ground.
I have included 2 pictures: one of the wall at the vatican (REMEMBER ITS NOT OK FOR THE US TO HAVE SECURITY JUST THE VATICAN) and the other is just a reminder of what these people are here for. Its of a Mexican flag above a upside down US flag hung in Maywood CA. Thanks again Doug R. (Former Catholic) (AT WHAT PRICE DOES THE US CITIZENS HAVE TO PAY FOR THESE PEOPLE?-- WE SHOULD COME FIRST IN OUR OWN COUNTRY!!!)