Open Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid

By John W. Lillpop

June 26, 2007

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.

Dear Majority Leader Reid:

In 1993, America was overwhelmed by millions of aliens who defied our borders and immigration laws and came here unlawfully.

As a responsible steward of the United States Constitution and a dedicated patriot at the time, on August 5, 1993 you released the following statement to the floor of the U.S. Senate to the address the illegal alien crisis:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, (I) today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care, and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.â€