They are getting desperate.
Stop Tancredo's Fear Mongering
Step 1: Sign the petition to keep his ad off the air
Already Signed? Click Here to Proceed to Step 2.

(Update - 7,212 Signatures!)

Dear Local Network Affiliate,

We the undersigned are writing to request that you do not air Presidential Candidate Tom Tancredo's new television ad. Congressman Tancredo's ad, released on Monday, November 12, 2007, features a terrorist leaving a bomb in a public place.

In making the unverifiable claim that "Islamic Terrorists" have snuck into the United States across our Southern border, Tancredo is doing something analogous to yelling fire in a crowded theatre. This sort of fear mongering is harmful to American citizens and immigrants alike.

We, therefore, respectfully request that you do not allow the ad to be aired on your station. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
