What a week! Huh! boys and girls, It seems to me that more and more Americans are starting to feel the same way you do about serious issues concerning the future of our country!

I guess it's true the squeaky wheel gets the grease! And you all are the squeakiest wheel I've ever heard! Thanks you guys and thank you Alipac!

So if your fortunate enough to be with us here tonight, please post your favorite songs so others may enjoy them too. You guys fight so hard!

Our first request is from our friend airdale!
A boy named "Lindsey" hardly the same as this song!


This song I swiped from Sappers songs of celebration, it's not to relaxing but it is cool as hell!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f1cwycS ... re=related

And this one for Sapper7 I thought he might like this one!
Hope it's not a dup.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYJVqpSd ... re=related

Something relaxing Hmm!

My wife and daughter both love this song and have since they heard it years ago! They love this little girl! "Silly girls"


Please share songs you like here! Hope you enjoy!