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Covering today’s May Day immigration rallies, Todd Hartley explains to Rick Oltman, the Director of Public Relations for Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), why we’re losing the fight to protect our borders and how the open border supporters are driving the issue.

America’s biggest cities for generations have been center’s for amazing opportunity and yet today, across this great nation, in Los Angeles, D.C., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Pittsburgh and Phoenix, immigrants are protesting to pressure Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

During the conversation Oltman explains the expected protest turnout and what motivated last year’s marches.

Contrary to political observers, Hartley shares his belief that last year’s protests were a huge success for illegal immigrants and their supporters.

The reasons:
*1 year later there’s not another close the border, Duncan Hunter or Sensenbrenner styled bill
*All of the bills currently in Congress walk America down the path of Amnesty
*Congresses is creeping towards becoming a majority open border crowd.
*AND - All major presidential candidates are …once again…open border lovers.

Todd's interested in hearing your views on today’s immigration marches and your assessment on who’s winning the battle for America’s borders.