Marco Rubio Explains the Gang of Eight Tyrants’ Plan

by Brian Kelly on July 29, 2013

“Marco Rubio Explains the Gang of Eight Tyrants’ Plan” is chapter 3 of No Amnesty! No Way!, a newly-released book by Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here.The views represented are the author’s own.

Rubio Is the Spokesman in Anti-American Ads

Marco Rubio is an exciting speaker but he is using his voice to hurt Americans. In the immigration debate, Rubio has joined the other team.
I freely admit that I am of Irish descent. However, I am not looking for special favors for illegal Irish foreign nationals, a number of whom make a good living by pouring drinks in NY City. If they want citizenship, they have the right to go for it. Like everybody else, the Irish need to come legally. They broke our laws and snuck into our country as did the Hispanics and Latinos, which Rubio represents in his pleadings.

Rubio should not be asking for those of Spanish descent to be treated specially for the same reason as I would not ask for the Irish. This is a country based on equality, period, regardless of whether a particular ethnicity makes it to the prestigious office of Senator.

If Rubio does not want his voice used improperly in ads on FOX, a network, which often shows the conservative side of issues, then he should tell US that the ad has been taken out of context. The conservative side of Fox should be ashamed of this ad for it lies to conservatives and Rubio should be just as ashamed. Why not represent regular Americans?

If you have you recently seen or Heard Marco Rubio as the new speaker for illegal foreign nationals in our US media, you may recognize this text.

Here is the essence of the TV ad (the radio ad is almost the same.

“Our current immigration system is a disaster. What we have now is de facto amnesty. There is no easy fix but there is a better way “

  • Billions in New Border Security Funding
  • Toughest enforcement measures in History
  • No food stamps.
  • No welfare
  • No Obamacare

There is more:

“They’ll have to wait thirteen years. They’ll have to pay fines. They’re going to have to learn English. They’re going to have to work. They’re going to have to wait in the back of the line”

“It’s not ideal but it is tough… It is fair…and it is enforceable. And that is exactly what we do not have!”

Sorry, Senator Rubio, but you are wrong.

The big thing that the Honorable Senator left out is that his plan rewards those people who have invaded our country at the end of a thirteen year waiting period with the coveted prize of citizenship. Meanwhile, do you really believe they will not be collecting benefits from US taxpayers?

Additionally, do you believe that when Hillary is elected and all RINO Republicans such as RUBIO are extracted from both Houses of Congress that the Democrats will wait thirteen years for them to vote and / or become citizens? From the day the gang of eight tyrants bill passes, there will be weeping and crying for more than just legalization. The objective of all the fuss will be to permit the newly legalized foreign nationals to vote and then, of course to become citizens immediately.

Democrats will lobby that Citizenship be moved up in time for the 2016 elections. Not only will this assure that Hillary will be reelected President in 2020, it will enable her to die in office sometime after her eighth term begins. Why do you think this is so important to Democrats? Why it is even on Rubio’s list should be a real concern for conservatives?

OK, let’s go over the good Senator’s ad aimed at conservatives piece by piece, one piece at a time. I will copy the text of the ad below and then work on it one part at a time:

Rubio’s first contention is as follows:

“Our current immigration system is a disaster. What we have now is defacto amnesty. There is no easy fix but there is a better way.”

There is nothing wrong with our current immigration laws. It is our tyrannical open border policies, which do not reflect our laws in any way that are the problem. We are beginning to feel the consequences of our open border policies. Our immigration system is not a disaster but our enforcement is a disaster, and that is the fault of the Executive Branch and a Congress that does not do its job. Why not enforce existing law?

We do have a de facto amnesty because our representatives choose not to follow our laws. We have an intentionally broken system only because of the lack of guts of one US Administration after another failing to represent the citizens of the US. Elected representatives have not had the guts to take on the combined power of the liberals and the Hispanic vote to enforce the country’s immigration laws. We already have all the laws to protect Americans but our legislators are more interested in protecting illegal foreign nationals. We owe nothing to illegal aliens who came here with the hope of getting something from US.

We are not the only country in the world with immigration issues. We are the only country in the world with buffoons in elected office who will not do the right thing for its citizens. If a person in the US complains about foreign nationals getting a free ride, they are called racist or anti-immigrant and given the short shrift by the corrupt media and the liberal / progressive government. A person in the UK who voices concern about the level of illegal immigration is taken seriously and the leaders pay attention.

In the UK, for example, the country quickly deports any illegal immigrants. There is no de facto amnesty in the UK because they enforce the laws that they make. They do not baby law breakers. In the US, we choose to not enforce our laws and try to make new laws which we will not enforce. Then the very people who are supposed to assure the enforcement of our laws complain about a de facto amnesty. Shame on them for being so inept.

In the UK, there may be some corruption in the immigration program but nothing like what we have in the US. For example, there is no need to have detention facilities in which private firms make a killing on lucrative contracts delivered to them by their favorite politicians. Why detain people who are being deported? The UK does not permit anchor babies either. Now, there is a real joke. We describe this phenomenon in detail in this book.

So, “No Senator Rubio, the design of the system is not a problem but the implementation and operation of the system is severely flawed because politicians have their dirty hands in it.” You unfortunately have become one of the slime bag politicians that have given up rather than insisting that our laws are enforced.

The next bullet in the ad is:

Billions in New Border Security Funding

The US government is by choice incompetent. Other than the military—forged upon discipline and honesty, anything that the US government touches fails! Why after 1986’s amnesty are we back at it again if there were any competency or willingness in our government to secure the borders? The more planning that government idiots do; the worse the plans are. If we were to look at the war against illegal entry and the war against drugs, there is s pattern. Both are big failures run by the US government.

These are two supposed wars in which politicians are interested when the voters express alarm and then in the back rooms, nothing is done. These wars are of course complete failures. With a zero win record in these two major “wars,” no wonder Democrats felt confident enough to construct a faux war on women and then blame it on Republicans. Everybody knows that wars fought by politicians are never won. Yet, politicians somehow are always enriched while Americans are left unrepresented and underserved.

Thankfully, the US military has its own chain of command and unless told to stand down by the Commander in Chief, as in Benghazi, our military does a fine job.

Many business people, including myself, could get about ten or twenty times the value out of a billion dollars than government nincompoops are able to extract. Give me just one billion dollars, not an extra billion, and the job will get done. The money amount does not matter. The government has no resolve to do what is right for the people.

In the immigration battle, nobody in government really wants a resolution; that is why there is none.

Republicans want cheap labor and Democrats want more voters.

Meanwhile, the American people want the tons of foreign interlopers sent back home, regardless of where their home is located. It is not a racist thing. It is not billions of dollars that are needed, it is resolve. What we need is resolve. We have had none and we still have none. Any government wanting to solve the problem would have the mettle to have solved it by now.

There are two problems. What do we do with the 50 million illegal foreign nationals residing in America with impunity? Considering there have been one million to three million interlopers per year, the total number of illegal residents is lots closer to fifty million than ten million.

What do we do about keeping the next fifty million out over the next thirty years? The federal government has no answers and their current solution, produced by Rubio and the gang of eight tyrants, is an insult to all regular Americans. In late June, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said they expect that the Rubio amnesty plan will not stop illegal immigration. CBO says that the rate will slow to 75% of the current rate. That is still a lot of illegals coming in every day. That is why border security is so very important.

If we really want to solve the border problem, we must assign the problem to a group that cares about it. They need to have a stake in it. Nobody ever crosses our border illegally and then kills a homeowner in Reston Virginia on their way through the country. No, the killing happens in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. Virginia should have no say. Washington should have no say. The resolution of the border problem should be assigned to the individual states. The US military can offer procedural advice and training. Never send a politician with a big sack of money to solve a problem. The money will definitely be gone and the problem will remain.

The next bullet in the ad is:

Toughest enforcement measures in history

You do not believe that do you? Again, it would be nice if it were so easy as to start up a huge fan and blow a few billion dollars at the problem and have it work. However, no amount of spending is going to make it work since Washington does not really care.

Somebody, or a bunch of somebody’s in Congress, or perhaps the whole Congress and the President, does not want our immigration system to work and so it has not worked; it does not work; and it cannot work. The people’s only choice to have our laws enforced is to replace those legislators who choose to work for self, and hold our chief executive accountable. From my vantage point, it is just about all 545 of the Washington in-crowd—the 435 members of Congress; 100 Senators; 9 Supreme Court Justices; and one President.

Any good enforcement measures must be tended by a body in government that cares. A federal government prone to sue states for protecting the country’s borders is not such a government; nor is it to be believed when it offers any solution.

As noted previously, the only solution is for the states to control enforcement and for the feds to cooperate 100%. This can be done very well, because the states have an intrinsic right to defend their borders, and they are the ones affected when the feds do not do their jobs well.
To net it out; our border can be secure if Washington is kept out of the picture. Preventing the AG from suing border states would be a required act of good faith.

Three more Rubio ad bullets:

  • No foodstamps
  • No welfare
  • No Obamacare

Pardon me if I do not buy any of this Mr. Rubio.

In a system that already is tight on words and loose on action, the laws currently permit no food-stamps, no welfare, and no Obamacare. So, how is it that our government not only permits but actively encourages illegal foreign nationals to collect their undue rewards and benefits from Uncle Sam, and thus from US?

We are the great Sam’s nieces and nephews and our high taxation provides the funds for Sam’s treasury today. Unfortunately, with the gang of eight tyrants controlling the discussion on immigration today, it looks like there will be no relief coming any time soon. This means that regular taxpaying Americans will be throwing more than our share into the pot for a long time to come.

If we can’t stop benefits now with laws clearly stating that illegal foreign nationals cannot collect under any circumstances, how will making citizens out of them help US stop them from collecting in the future? It is a sham, and Marco Rubio, a one-time potential hero and potential president is not representing US citizens well on this one. When the Rubio team of Democrats and RINOs make them citizens after a few years, we all know that by law they can then collect full benefits from Uncle Sam legally, just as any other citizen? Who is not telling the truth on this matter? We know of course it is our Congress and the President.

What if I were to announce with full certainty that based on Census Bureau data, I have deduced that most US families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs today? Would it matter to anybody? Without Census Bureau data, Americans already know that illegal foreign nationals drive on our streets and highways with fake driver’s licenses. They wait for day jobs in most cities for one day hiring stints, and their willingness to work for peanuts has lowered the average wage for all Americans.

We also know from talking to our friends on welfare in these hard times, that more and more non English-speaking people are in the same lines with them attempting to resolve welfare disputes. Why would they be in the welfare lines if they were not collecting?

Welfare offices are so heavily secured today that only one service agent is visible through a hard glass partition to deal with all comers-by. So, how does that help us determine who is and who is not eligible? Nobody is checking in the welfare offices today since they are understaffed and they are prone to give all benefits, regardless of who is requesting. I have seen it with my own eyes.

How will this situation get better if the gang of eight tyrants’ plan becomes the law of the land? Will those who cannot collect now but yet are collecting from the sweat of Americans, actually be prohibited in the future? The Heritage Foundation has the answer and it says that American taxpayers will be paying at least 6.3 trillion more dollars to support the gang of eight tyrants’ amnesty. That ought to hasten the full economic and financial collapse of our country.

Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. groups whose mission it is to research legal and illegal immigration in the US. Yet, government says they collect nothing. Why will they stop being on the dole when made citizens? Does the gang of eight tyrants really expect regular Americans, who can add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and who can use inductive and deductive reasoning to solve logic problems, to buy the bull they are throwing at US?

What Welfare Programs Are We Talking About?

The eight major welfare programs that cost the government almost a trillion dollars a year include—1.Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 2.Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), 3.Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 4.Food stamps, 5.Free/reduced school lunch, 6.Child credits, 7.Public housing, 8.Health insurance (Medicaid). Does anybody expect the cost of these to go down when everybody is free?

Food assistance and medical assistance are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants. Yet, they are not permitted to use them!
On the other hand, legal immigrant households (green cards) take advantage of every available welfare program, and it is perfectly legal. These are foreign nationals who are theoretically on their way to citizenship. We get at least a million of these each year.

The reason why immigrants use these services according to studies is a low education level and resulting low income. But, the real reason is that they can. Nobody tries to stop them. Mexicans in Mexico laugh at how easy it is to come to America and scam US. When they are citizens will it be more difficult or less difficult for these foreigners who originally broke into our country and ignored all American laws, to be on the dole?

The highest rates of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic(82 %),Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report. The report offers that welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.

So, when Republican faux conservative on immigration Marco Rubio says there will be no more sucking off Americans, how does he plan to stop it? The system has been designed by ninety-nine other Rubio’s to fail as it has.

Rubio also says in the ad:

“They’ll have to wait thirteen years. They’ll have to pay fines. They’re going to have to learn English. They’re going to have to work. They’re going to have to wait in the back of the line”

What will they have to wait thirteen years for? Rubio chooses not to say because he is a smart politician. What is the prize they will receive by moving out of the shadows into the light of day and waiting thirteen years to receive? What is the biggie that would make them wait so long? Wait for what?

Why Mr. Rubio did you not say they would receive citizenship in your ad? Americans who read and pay attention to conservative media know it. That is the thirteen year prize.

Has Marco Rubio been trying to deceive the American people? Americans do not want to make gifts of citizenship to fifty million people, all of whom have committed crimes against America.

Should Americans believe the intention of the gang of eight tyrants is not to overwhelm the American vote with the votes of immigrants living legally or illegally in the USA? Will the gang of eight tyrants’ program not weaken each American vote for each vote given to foreigners residing illegally in our country? Can’t we find better people than criminals to make citizens?

Since they have not respected our laws in the past, why would we expect that they will respect our laws tomorrow when they become citizens?

Should NY City Council Be in Charge of US Immigration?

NY City Council, unlike Marco Rubio, tells it like it really is. They mince no words in their desire to bring non-citizens into the realm of voting citizens. Rubio spins his message so we think he is all good. NY City Council clearly is working for non-citizens to vote in city elections.

Perhaps to make it even more fair to foreign nationals, US citizens should not be permitted to vote at all. After all, it has been the vote of citizens that has kept non-citizens from being able to gain advantages over citizens.

Proponents of immigrant voting in NYC in the 2013 scenario offer that they have a veto-proof majority of Council members who favor the proposal. They believe that Argentineans, Irish, and Mesopotamians, should be able to take over cities in America simply because they live there as foreigners or as illegal foreign nationals. They want illegals to vote in local elections.

New Yorkers may recall that the last major effort to allow non-citizen voting, in 2004, failed. Obviously, in 2013, with guilt pouring from Americans because foreign nationals are not pleased with how they are treated in America, many are willing to give up even their own private residences to prove they are not biased. Children of liberal progressives may not have it so good in the future but if Americans give it all up (houses and fortunes) for such needy foreigners so be it. At least the foreigners, who may have once been subject to the bad and shadowy parts of America, would have it better if they began to live in the homes of Americans and the Americans were out on the streets or in the ghettos. Yes, on this, I am kidding.

Proponents of the new NYC legislation are hoping for a different result this year as Americans are so soft, even putty appears to be a hard substance to many in New York.

Experts have questioned the legality of Council’s authority to grant permanent residents voting rights in local elections. It is like the colonists asking the Britain’s whether it would be OK for America to seek its independence from the Crown.

One must examine the US Constitution as well as the NY State Constitution to decide who, when, and where individuals are permitted to vote. For years, from the NY State point of view, this has been seen as a power held by the State Legislature. New York City thinks it is above the powers of the State of NY and so they see enough power at the city level to allow non-citizen voting without state action or approval. I hope they are wrong!

Some of the entities in favor of permitting illegals and non-citizens to vote are the prestigious New York County Bar Association, the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. I wonder how many of them are just regular Joes’ in the community? Why would any American citizen want illegals or non-citizens to determine how life should go for them in America?

Rubio finishes his ad with:

“It’s not ideal but it is tough… It is fair…and it is enforceable. And that is exactly what we do not have!”

Marco Rubio knows that his plan is not ideal. He thinks it is tough. He thinks it is fair, and he acknowledges that that is exactly what we do not have. What does a man who says we are experiencing de-facto amnesty mean by suggesting his better amnesty plan is tough, fair, or enforceable.

It is none of the above.

Marco Rubio’s TV Ad and Radio Ad, which is even more deceptive but on the same track, are not part of the American dream for Americans. Giving away America to foreign nationals, even when the spokesman is as handsome and as articulate as Marco Rubio is not on my agenda. I suspect it is not on the agenda of many Americans who have thought it through.

Tell House Members: Secure the Borders First, Ignore Gang of Eight!

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Tagged as: brian kelly, immigration reform, No Amnesty! No Way!

About Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kelly ran for Congress and for the US Senate in his state and believes limited government brings liberty and freedom. Check his books out at

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