Mark Levin Hammers Sharpton: ‘SCREW HIM!’ This Man is a ‘Malcontent!’ and a ‘Menace!’

Posted on July 15, 2013 by BMartin1776

First off in this clip The Great One, Mark Levin, points out the democrat party didn’t get their wish for violent uprising before unloading on Al “I’m an opportunist, I screw my own people” Sharpton. Levin called Sharpton out on his shady background for everything he has done from tax dodging, Tawana Brawley to the Duke Lacrosse team. Quite a colorful record this POS has and now he is pressuring the DOJ to create more divide in this nation.

Here is a thought how all of us racists have a march or protest against this false preacher and advocate for the black community? Better yet where is the black community tired of his crap and why aren’t they protesting him?

Sharpton needs to feel the pain and stress he puts on this country! This racist clown will take advantage of anyone to fatten his wallet. I truly believe if real trouble is to happen where someone loses their life Sharpton couldn’t careless.. the SOB would probably call them a martyr!