The Old Testament enjoins the Jews not to turn away the alien, "for you [yourselves] are but aliens and sojourners with Me" (Lev 25:23; cf. Ps 39:12). The Lord instructed Israel to treat the alien like the poor and the needy, the holy man, the Levite, the orphan and the widow. But the Bible never once calls criminal trespassers or foreign invaders "aliens" or "sojourners". There is a profound difference between "legal aliens" and "illegal aliens," between foreigners seeking help through legitimate channels, and hostile enemies taking whatever they can by force or plunder or deceit.

I have observed the following from afar for the past 34 years, beginning when I was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA, National Council of Churches) until 1975, when I could stomach no more, when I could hold my nose and look the other way no longer. I have no documentation for my statements; if any of this is incorrect or just outright wrong, please correct me, with references.

"Liberation Theology" is a WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.
"Liberation Theology" is MARXISM dressed up as "the church."

Marxism in Latin America has taken advantage of Latinos' reverence for holy things and widespread ignorance of the scriptures. To create "Liberation Theology," Marxism has wrenched a few Bible verses out of context: notably, "the truth will make you free." However, in context, this reads, "So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, 'If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.'" (John 8:31,32) God's word, not Marxist propaganda, is the truth that will make you free.

(Here is more about liberation theology.)

Since WWII, Marxist revolutionaries have found fertile ground in the field of impoverished campesinos and peons in Latin America. For cover, these revolutionaries have hijacked the Latino Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches. They masquerade outwardly as the Body of Christ, the Church, while indoctrinating their followers into all the usual Marxist practices: disobedience to the laws of God and man; armed rebellion and political change at the muzzle of a gun or at the business edge of a macheté; "appropriating" or destroying property; murder, torture, and intimidation; corrupting the authorities with cocaine and illegal drugs; misleading their followers in order to recruit them as cannon fodder; and deceiving naive church people and liberals in the U.S. to elicit financial support for communist revolution in Latin America.

Jesus never disobeyed the Roman laws imposed upon Israel. He never told His disciples to disobey Roman law. He didn't even ask Pilate, who had the authority to release Him or to crucify Him, to disrespect Rome's authority. He never advised civil disobedience to the oppressive laws of the Roman Empire. Instead, He commanded, "Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and to God the things that are God's." (Mark 12:17)

Jesus never told His followers to take up arms for His cause, not even to defend Him from those who were about to crucify Him. Instead, Jesus answered [Pilate], "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (John 18:36,37)

Christians sometimes feel our first obligation is to be kind and loving (1 Corinthians 13) to the needy alien who is in our midst (or in our face). This ignores the obligation to obey the laws of God and man when we love God and man, our neighbor. God didn't tell the Good Samaritan to take what belonged to someone else in order to finance his mission of mercy. God didn't tell the Good Samaritan to evict a paid-up occupant at the inn and put the crime victim in his room. God didn't tell the Good Samaritan to sacrifice obedience in order to show mercy (Luke 10:30-37). At the risk of being painfully blunt, God didn't tell the Good Samaritan to put someone else out of a job in order to give that job to an alien, no matter how needy.

Daniel 7 and Revelation 13:1-11 unveil Satan and his incarnate human form, the antichrist, as the head of the future one-world government/religion. With precursors that presently exist (UN, EU, CFR, SPP, WTO, WHO, IMF, BIS, NCC, WCC, RCC), founded upon a revived Roman Empire, and focused on commerce and finance, this future OWG is the motive for eliminating the U.S. as a world power which would stand in its way. The numerous strategies for establishing a future OWG include eradicating: 1) national sovereignty, 2) national identity, 3) national language, and 4) national barriers against illegal aliens. God dispersed the nations united at the tower of Babel by confusing their speech and creating multitudes of languages, thus showing that He did not want a one-world government/religion to exist (Genesis 11:1-11).

Illegal entry, except for the first offense, makes illegal aliens FELONS, if convicted.
IT'S AGAINST THE LAW. The last word on the subject is, illegal aliens are . . . ILLEGAL.