From a fowarded E-mail:

The idea here is to get THOUSANDS of Americans to email every all of
their States Reps and both Senators, on May1st with this letter and
with the subject line: Rule of Law!

We will need thousands of us to do this; otherwise they will just blow
us off. And all of you that say that they will anyway: Think of the
anmesty that we shoot down with our pressure on Congress. This is the
same except it is PROACTIVE instead of reactive. It is time for We the
People to flex a bit of muscle legally while we still can. I will be
sending this out weekly, and I encourage all of you to send this to
everyone that you know. This can only work if we band together. I want
no credit, and no glory, since I am unimportant: It is our Nation and
Our traditions that are important. You are welcome to take this and
mail it on MAY DAY to stand as one for Our Nation: The United States
of America!!
A Citizen

Your Congressman can be found here

State Reps & Senators

Thank you, and God Bless us and bring us to Victory;
A Citizen
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________

To Whom it may Concern:

I have been cognizant of the fact that there seems to be a lot of
confusion in Washington D. C. about what the Citizens as a whole and
the Citizens that you--personally- -represent in the Congress of the
United States of America, think on the issue of Immigration. Allow me
to present to you, what is my own, and a growing active Majority of
Citizens view of the matter.

A. We are extremely frustrated with your seemingly inability to find,
apprehend, and deport those that are here illegally. Especially as We
commoners, can see that it is just an easy matter of targeting people
that parade down the street with another countries flag, at least as a
good place to begin the matter in earnest. Moreover We poor, middle
and not-so-poor Americans are capable of seeing that is is Mexicans
that make up the vast numbers of the illegal alien population. So
here is a hint: Target Mexicans for enhanced enforcement. Also
PUNISH employers of illegal labors, and CUT ALL social services to ALL
Illegals! This is doable. It will work, I promise. Totally
deportation and/or self-repatriation of all illegals is the goal.

B. From a moral view point We are upset that you are incapable of
seeing the rank hypocrisy of rewarding people that--in
essence--trespass on Our Nation. You are rewarding law breaking
illegal aliens. For no matter why they are here they are not here
legally; thus, they are breaking the law. At yet the same time you
punish the Citizens of this Nation, by forcing them with decree,
taxes, and usury to pay for the housing, medicine,clothing and food of
these unwelcome invaders and interlopers. Why?

I invite you to take this opportunity to see this right, by proposing
legislation that will:

1--Penalize states that receive federal money for any purpose
what-so-ever, AND that use any money for illegal aliens to receive
services. Thus ending all benefits to illegals. And by all benefits,
I mean to say any benefit that is payed for with the taxes of Citizens
of the Several States. In other words any social service!

2--Revokes the federal tax exempt status of any charity, church or
other private tax exempt organization that aids those that are violating
Our immigration laws, AND,that makes any person or persons that
provide such aid liable for a felony. One that will encompass a
five(5) year maximum sentence and/or up to a $100,000
fine. Also We want this Strictly Enforced, swiftly and throughly;
half-measures simply will not do, We want Our Whole Nation and
We want Our Nation back Now.

3--Seals Our borders, simply by ceasing to guard Korea and Germany -
they serve no purpose to We the People - and placing those Army Units
on the Mexican border and using them to stop all illegal
crossings of the border. Be they of people, guns, dope or other 'un-
nice' items that are daily smuggled across Our Southern Border. Why
are We defending Germanies border; and Korea, and Japan, when We can
not or will not defend Our Own Borders? Madness,I say!

4--Ends decades of soft enforcement on employers of illegal aliens by
passing legislation that makes it possible to seize ALL assets of any
owner or officer of the offending companies, and by allowing for, and
encouraging by way of grants to law enforcement anonymous tipping, as
a means of locating those persons that encourage illegals to come here,
by giving them employment. Moreover, the laws on the books need to be
enforced and enforced without stint until this is not a significant
Vigilance is the key to this problem.

5-Clarifies the meaning of the 14th amendment so as to EXCLUDE all
birthright Citizenship where Both Parents are not Citizens of one of
the Several States at the time of the child's birth. Moreover that
all children born of illegal aliens are illegal aliens. And they as
such will
be deported to the mothers country of origin, as soon as is medically
possible-not more than 72 hours after birth. (If my mother could go
home in less than 24, an illegal should be happy with, no grateful
that they get more!!) Thus ending Birthright Citizenship that is so
draining Our resources!

6--That makes a provision that states that if the illegals attempt to
resist lawful authority that all means necessary to carry this law
into effect will be legal, lawful and no court will have jurisdiction
over any complaint arising from the enforcement of this act. They will
have to obey the Law, and that is the 'what for' of that. We rule this
Nation and not the nationals of alien and foreign lands.

This is Our Nation, not illegals and not employers of illegals: And
You Work For Us! As I say, therefore, I challenge you -
Congressman - to have the courage necessary to save this country from
becoming the third world as it surely will unless the borders are
sealed and the unwelcome guests are sent home. Be part of the
solution and not part of the Politically Correct Problem.

You will fix this or you will be looking for a new job.

Thank You and have a nice day,

(Your Name)Send to ALL your states Federal Reps and Senators on May 1st