I know we aren't suppose to put info on candidates here any longer, but thought everyone should see a clip from the Lou Dobbs show last night.

PILGRIM: Well, there's no end tonight to the speculation that our very own Lou Dobbs is considering a run for the white house. It really began picking up steam in the past week. Take a look at what influential conservative columnist Bob Novak wrote. "In the name of long time CNN commentator Lou Dobbs has entered speculation as a possible Independent candidate for president." And John Fund wrote in the "Wall Street Journal, "Lou Dobbs for president? Don't laugh. Dobbs would be a natural fit in this campaign playing the role of anchorman in the 1970s movies Network who bellowed I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." Also, New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg said last week when asked if Lou should run, "Go for it." Well we can tell you that Lou is on what you could call a listening tour in Boston tonight. He's there after a week of canvassing the country. And all that we can only say is that Lou is still undecided. But apparently many Americans have decided already. So take a look at this. A recent AOL poll asked, do you think Dobbs will enter the race? 40% seemed to accept Lou's earlier word that he would not run but 31% said he will enter the race. 29% said they weren't sure. Now take a look at this, when asked if Lou does run, would you vote for him? 56% in an AOL online poll said yes. Our political analysts point out that's 1% more than Dwight D. Eisenhower got in his landslide victory in 2952. In our own LOU DOBBS TONIGHT poll here on Friday, 93% said they would vote for an independent president. Well, Lou will be back from his listening tour tomorrow and we'll see what he has to say so stay tuned on that.

http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html