I ran acroos this "pess release" at the google group the illgal aliens hang out in.
It's about time somethngs go agaist the illgals, and of course they will protest as they always do.
I thought you may enjoy this as much as I do!


Press release

Contact: Fr. Jose S. Landaverde 773- 968-4258

Jorge Mujica 773-852-8815

Where: 2700 S. California Avenue, across from Cook County Jail.

When: August 15, 2008 at 11:00 am

Why: Families from Little Village are denouncing the cook county sheriff and
the department of Home Land Security. On Thursday, August 14 the family of
Adolfo Guzman went to pay his bond to the Immigration services department;
they had already paid the cook county jail fine and now the judge from the
immigration department had issued Adolfo a six thousand dollar fine. However
the immigration department refused to receive his bond and said that they
would bring him back to the cook county jail. Adolfo's family already paid
the bond to the cook county jail, and according to the law it is not legal
to retain someone after they have already paid the bond. This is a violation
of the federal and state law, ICE is not respecting a federal judge's
decision and cook county jail is violating the law that states that an
individual who pays a bond should be released not later than 48 hours after
he or she paid the bond. Families and their attorneys' are calling to a
press conference to denounce this injustice today August 15, 2008, at 11:00
am across from the cook county jail located at 2700 S. California Avenue.


Padre Jose Landaverde
Our Lady of Guadalupe Anglican Catholic
2500 S. Harding Chicago,ILLinois 60623

Jorge Mujica