I have often wondered how long it would take before the thought police in our government would take before they went after us for speaking up against what they want us to think and believe?

I can honestly say people with power out there, like McCain, would love to silence all grassroots groups like ALIPAC, as it would help him further his and other socialists agendas. They cannot tolerate the opposition of folks like us who speak against the lies.

BTW people, I was curious about something and looked at the NCLR's site and then a link led me to the SPLC's site. There they list FAIR and CIS as hate groups, did you all know they had done that? I know that NCLR has said they were, but I was under the impression that they were just talking out their....well you know where. Anyways, although I believe the SPLC is about as legitimate as the Anti-Americans Communist Liberals Union, so their opinion is about as important as yesterdays used TP, but what garbage for them to be throwing around!!!!!!