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McCain and the La Raza card
Posted: May 12, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
Joseph Farah
© 2008

The news this week that John McCain will attend the national convention of La Raza is beyond disturbing.

It is sickening. It is repulsive. It is inexcusable. It is … immoral and evil.

Why do I say this?

Because I know what La Raza is all about.

The National Council of La Raza bills itself as a "civil rights" organization. It would be more appropriate to say it disguises itself as such. It camouflages itself as such. It hides its real purpose and true intents as such – with the willing and skillful assistance of many of my media colleagues.

In reality, La Raza is a racist hate group – a band of "Hispanic supremacists," if you will, though it is seldom characterized that way.

It is no more a civil rights group than the Ku Klux Klan is a group promoting the civil rights of white people. It is no more a civil rights group than the neo-Nazi scum who marched a generation ago at Skokie, Ill., with the legal protection of the American Civil Liberties Union, another misnamed organization. It is no more a civil rights group than the Aryan skinheads who victimize Jews and others they detest in trying to lift themselves up from the gutter.

La Raza is part of the movement in this country to destroy it from within by dividing and "reconquering."

Its members and leadership are linked directly to those who believe the Southwestern U.S. was unjustly seized from Mexico in the 19th century. It should, they believe, by any means necessary, be reconstituted either as part of that thoroughly corrupt, socialist regime fled by tens of millions of refugees or as an independent, autonomous, Spanish-speaking socialist state – like the mythical land of Aztlan.

The only real differences between La Raza and the neo-Nazis and the KKK are its wealth, power and level of sophistication.

For decades now, Democratic Party politicians have pandered to groups like La Raza in search of constituencies – votes. That is to be expected given the history of the Democratic Party, the party of the Klan and Jim Crow racism and, yes, even slavery. The Democratic Party is the party of division – the party of group rights rather than individual rights. It is the plantation party that rewards special interests rather than protecting the sovereignty of the individual with unalienable rights bestowed by our Creator.

So, it's business as usual when Democratic Party politicians pay homage to La Raza – and even coercively and unconstitutionally transfer taxpayer wealth to its coffers. (Yes, La Raza is a beneficiary of Washington's largesse with your money!)

But when Republican politicians play this game, it leaves Americans without any viable political alternative. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to drink that Kool-Aid any more.

John McCain has illustrated, once again, he has crossed over to the dark side. His candidacy as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee does not represent a meaningful choice for Americans committed to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – not by a long shot.

Anyone who believes McCain is telling the truth now when he says he is committed to border security is just plain out of touch with reality.

Like so many disingenuous politicians, John McCain is a chameleon. When he speaks to conservative audiences, he tells them what they want to hear. When he speaks to radical, anti-American groups like La Raza, he tells them what they want to hear.

If you make your political calculations based on what politicians tell you, you are being hosed – plain and simple. Judge them by their fruits. Judge them by their deeds. Judge them by their actions.

And by his action in playing the La Raza card (or race card), John McCain has spoken volumes about where he will take this country as president – and it is nowhere that I want to see it go.