I'm convinced the mainstream media has helped to marginalize Paul in this election. But, here's a thought.

What chances would Paul have as an independent? For the nomination, he's had to share the stage with a "slew" of republicans.

Could Ron Paul be the perfectly positioned candidate for a third ticket run?

If McCain gets the nomination, Romney is going to do the "True Blue" party line thing. He's going to support McCain. We'll probably be looking at a McCain/Huckabee Ticket. I don't Thompson is up for it.

Ron Paul has a dedicated following. More dedicated, I believe than Ross Perot or any other candidate thus far.

How would he fair on an independent ticket against McCain and Obama.

Ron Paul is against the war - even more so than Obama.
McCain knows more about economics than both McCain and Obama - I'm sorry that just seems blaringly obvious.

They're all from Washington - at this point. But, Ron Paul is clearly more of an outsider than the rest.

Maybe Ron Paul should be mulling a third party run. Typically, a third party candidate pulls from EITHER one or the other. What if he pulls from both. A true "split" vote.

After all, we could care less if he pulls from both Republicans and Democrats.

What if Ron Paul is the one candidate that truly can unite Republicans and Democrats.

He's against the war...
Socially conservative...
Fiscally conservative...

What do ya think? And, remember, I'm not a Paulite. But, it could get really interesting.