The May 1st Boycott is a scam. This boycott will not give a true indication of the economic contribution of the illegal immigrant. They are being supported and backed by governments, the media, local unions and other high profile organizations. Many of these local unions and governments will stop work tomorrow to show their support.

This Day Without An Immigrant is not that at all. This is a blitz and we are being setup. On Tuesday, the headlines will read Economy Stopped By Illegal Immigrants, when in reality it will be Economy Stopped By Immigrants and Governments and Local Unions.

We cannot stop what gets printed, but we can counter protest by buying big on Monday, even if you return it on Tuesday. I propose that those of us who are anti illegal immigration boycott May 2– 4. No gas, groceries, mall, fast food, etc. and especially no Wal-Mart. Let them see what it feels like when real Americans don’t buy.

I read another post where it was suggested that on May 2nd we not accept Mexican services when they come to cut the grass or whatever. This is a wonderful idea. Anybody with a Mexican Lawn Service please send them home on May 2 – May 4. We have to take money away from the illegals as well.

If we don’t get enough participation this week, then let’s try to get more participating for the following week. This event on Monday will be televised worldwide. We don’t have that kind of support, so we must show that we have just as much economic weight and if we pull out of the economy, then it will suffer as well.

I hope everybody will sign on to some type of economic boycott. Let’s not let this blitz succeed. If we don't stop this, then who will?