Snow in Washington Late in May? Forecast: Road Rage!

In a startling statement last week, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow suggested the amnesty bill passed by the US Senate is the correct solution to a problem no more serious than a traffic citation.

"If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you're not forever a speeder, are you?" Snow said in response to questions.

"So the fact is, you have paid your debt to society," he added. "And we have come up with a way to make sure that the debt to society gets paid. Then you move forward." ... eding.html

Snow's statement is proof positive that White House drinking water is been sabotaged by left-wing conspirators intent on destroying America.

Snow urgently needs to drink a quart or so of non-White House bottled water to replenish his right-brain brain cells. Then he should answer these questions:

-If illegal aliens are guilty of crimes no more significant than traffic violations, why in the hell is the President sending 6,000 National Guards to the border?

-Why build a border fence? Why spend untold billions of taxpayer money on border security?

-How many additional millions of 'speeders' will invade America if those currently here are rewarded for their crimes?

-In the rush to become Traffic Cop for the world, is President Bush overlooking his number one responsibility: Assuring a safe commute for American citizens?

-We the people favor enforcement of STOP signs at our borders and U-Turn signs for illegal aliens currently here. Why does President Bush willfully ignore the will of the American people?

Finally,Tony, please read our lips and heed these signs: