Ok, we are getting ready for to campaign against media BIAS, and lack of coverage on this issue, which ranks up there with Iraq.

Which Media outlet should be targeted by the Pro-law enfocement groups, Like ALIPAC and SOS?

I think meet the press is pretty good, so I think ABC should get lots of faxes and phone calls on important topics on illegal immigration they dont cover.

Media is propaganda for the open borders crowd. We need to watch it, and report important stories on illegal immigration. We need to target the most likeley to show more equal coverage on the issue. Illegal Immigration is a hot topic, and the more coverage it does and doesnot get, the closer we come to winning, defeat!

More coverage is good,

Where is the story on the ILLEGAL who tried to down the airliner last week? Faded from memory. This is why we need a media watchdog section.We need activists with the intestinal fortitude to CALL and WRITE a selected network to get more coverage on this important issue.

Are YOU ready to hit them?