Our Senator Mel Martinez wants the Constitution of the United States to be amended to allow foreign born citizens to become President. He mentions today in The Miami Herald Mr. Henry Kissinger and the Nazy Arnold Schwarzenegger. I respect Mr. Kissinger but Schwarzenegger! What an insult to our country and the rest of the world!

Mr. Martinez, we presume you are a smart and knowledgeable man, but please, Sir, permit us to remind you that our country lost thousands of brave soldiers and the world lost millions of lives fighting Nazism. How would you dare to even think about suggesting our Constitution to be amended to acomodate people like Schwarzenegger? Is not enough that YOU, Sir, disrespected our Congress speaking in Spanish in your inaugural address? In our own country, our Senators and Representatives needed to have an interpreter to understand you. Not that they would have lost much if they had refused the translation; demagogues never have anything interesting to say and worth to hear, except to the masses they try to influence and control, with pompous rhetoric. Yes, Sir, you are a demagogue. I was born in South America and I can see their colors and smell their kind.

Yes, I am a former LEGAL immigrant now a proud American citizen, who took as my first task upon arriving here to learn the language, to integrate completely in the American way of life, to be part of the beautiful American people and to make their rich culture and traditions my own. I owe NO allegiance to any other nation, except the United States of America. My flag is the American flag, my Anthem "The Star Spangled Banner." My English may not be perfect but it is my language now.

Oh, yes, amending our Constitution to permit you, or people like you, to control us and throw down our throats hordes of illegals that only want to divide and destroy our country and to take advantage of our social services. People that only want to take not to give; people that have no love and no allegiance to America; people that show disdain for our language, our culture, our National Anthem, and our flag; everything that is sacred to America and Americans. NO, Sir, this was not what our Founders had in mind.

Oh, yes, you reminisced when you startet to dream in English! Go tell this to the people who march on our streets shouting, in Spanish, racist slogans for "Aztlan," "La Raza," and "MEchA"! Marching under the Mexican flag on the top of and upside down American flag, insulting us, the legal citizens of the nation, and DEMANDING rights they do not have. Do not tell this to us, Sir, about your dreams in English! DO NOT INSULT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

I have not heard you talking about DENYING amnesty to these illegals who broke and go on breaking our laws; the same laws that you, as a servant of the American citizens, swore to obey and defend. Those who break the law are criminals and deserve JAIL and DEPORTATION, not the reward you want to give them. American citizenship is a PRIVILEGE, not awards to criminals who preach the destruction of America. As a Senator, what measures have you taken to stop this sedition and punish these traitors? Please talk louder, Senator, WE THE PEOPLE cannot hear you!

You also said you wanted the Statue of Liberty to be our symbol not a fence. The Statue of Liberty IS and WILL ALWAYS BE our symbol; but the symbol for those who enter this country LEGALLY, though the front door. For those who sneak through our backdoors they do not deserve a symbol. THEY DESERVE A FENCE AS HIGH AS IT CAN GO.

Senator, be a REAL American and join the fight. We will welcome you with our open arms and our warm hearts. Thank you.