Memo Shows Clinton Talk Show Interview Followed Script Her Campaign Developed

... Clinton pretended to be surprised ...

by Jack Davis October 5, 2016 at 4:10pm

One of the latest episodes in the efforts by the media at all levels to enhance Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been revealed by The Washington Free Beacon, which reported that what appeared to be a live interview was instead carefully scripted by the Clinton campaign.

According to a leaked memo, talk show host Steve Harvey worked with the campaign to craft the questions she would be asked in what would appear to be a spontaneous interview in February.

The memo was posted to the website

The memo from campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney and communications aide Betsaida Alcantara to Clinton told her minute by minute what was arranged for the show so that nothing would be left to chance.

Staff members ensured Clinton was ready for the questions Harvey would pose, which included whether she prefers deep-dish pizza or thin crust. The memo even alerted her that a question on hot sauce might be asked as a follow-up.

The campaign and Harvey agreed to have him ask about the great start to her campaign during the February interview.

The memo to Clinton told her that Harvey would ask about her faith, and so it noted a reminder that she was a Methodist.

One part of the interview consisted of Harvey showing Clinton pre-selected images to highlight her accomplishments.

“During this segment Steve will take a trip down memory lane with YOU to talk about the different moments of YOUR life displayed in the photographs below,” the memo said.

When the segment aired and everything came off as scripted, Clinton pretended to be surprised, saying, “Oh boy. Oh my goodness,” as she was shown a picture of herself at age 12.

The memo reminded Clinton not to panic when an issue-related question that was listed was asked.

“Please note that the tone of the show is generally light so even on policy questions, Steve won’t go too deep into details,” the memo said.

After The Free Beacon published the report, a representative of Harvey issued a statement that said, “As happens with many shows like ours, producers conduct pre-interviews highlighting areas of interest and possible questions. This allows the guests to prepare for their appearance and provides the most informative experience for the viewers.”

Harvey, a longtime comedian and talk show host, endorsed Clinton in March.