From: Add to Address Book
Date: 2006/05/25 Thu PM 11:11:00 EDT
Subject: [TA] Senate Betrays America: Votes for 66 Million Immigrants Over Next 30 Years

Dear Friend,

The U.S. Senate voted to give amnesty to millions and open our doors to
millions more through a guest worker plan. But no one will be a guest
worker—they can bring families, get in-state tuition and a path to

They voted for a bill that will bankrupt our social security system by
allowing all illegal workers to apply for social security for the years they
worked illegal using fraudulent identification. The billions of dollars in
fraudulent claims alone will bury us.

Not only did these Senators assure their corporate masters of an unlimited
supply of cheap labor, they also gave them amnesty for their years of
illegal hiring.

As for us—we get to pay $30 billion/year for all the services these new
immigrants will demand as we watch our country slip away.

Action: Call your Congressman NOW! Make them understand what a vote for
this bill will mean to them in November. (Congress Numbers: ... umbers.htm

List of Senators who voted for Amnesty: We especially want to go after the
pro-Amnesty Republicans who are up for reelection

Just how bad is the bill? Team America Research Director Marcus Epstein
breaks it down:

I know things may look bleak, but we will prevail if we keep fighting!

Your Friend,
