I am not an Asian-American.

I am not a Mexican-American

I am not a Muslim- American

I am not a Cuban- American

I am just a plain old unhyphenated American.

You know.....That American who gets demonized and blamed for discrimination, racism and everything else while paying the bills for all the illegal aliens.

We are those Americans who are only loyal to one country.

We speak English and yet we must pay to educate the children of criminals illegally in our country in a kind of “pidgin” Spanish that makes Spaniards cringe.

While we dastardly Americans are educating the children of illegal aliens, our own children are paying the price as well by receiving a sub-standard education that has been “Dumbed Down” to accommodate the less capable bilingual Third World students.

Did you really expect me to mince words and lie like hell in order to be “Politically Correct”?

Don’t hold your breath.... cause that dog don’t hunt here anymore!

Don’t think for one minute that I am an anomaly!

Americans are angry. Americans are FED UP and......

More and more Americans are no longer mincing their words.

A word to the wise.......

If you folks keep sneaking in......

If you folks keep invading our country with those hands out and that middle finger extended in contempt while demanding access to our social resources.....

If you continue the child molesting, murders, rapes, car jacking, robberies, drunk driving and whatever else our headlines scream out to us over our morning coffee.......

If all that continues the anger of Americans will grow and spread until it ERUPTS!

WHEN......WHERE......HOW.... it erupts are the only variables......

Because erupt it will!

We will have our country back COME HELL OR HIGH WATER!