Members of the House of Representatives

I've listened to several of the presentations this evening on C-Span.

Many who support CAFTA are asking what's wrong? Why is everybody upset about CAFTA when the trade agreements with Morroco, Jordan, Singapore, etc. sailed through?

Let me explain what's different now.


NO LONGER are you going to be allowed to negotiate and approve Trade Treaties without the eyes and minds and desires of the AMERICAN PEOPLE upon you at all times.

For those opposing CAFTA, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing tall for Truth, reaching high for the best interest of the American People, and acknowledging and speaking the reality of this Treaty as it affects our sovereign territory and our economic and political well-being.

For those undecided, please vote for the American People and vote against CAFTA.

There will never again be a time when the American People trust our elected leaders to the extent that we have in the past.

We know the truth about illegal immigration and we know the truth about the purpose and intent of CAFTA.

CAFTA has nothing to do with our national security.

CAFTA does nothing to create jobs in the United States.

CAFTA will have so little positive impact on the people of Central America that it's not worth mentioning which is why the left wing parties in these countries are opposed to it. They are not opposed to it because they are our enemies; they are not opposed to it to "get the Americans"; they are opposed to it because their locally owned businesses and locally owned farmers will be put out business by American interests causing harm to the Central Americans and creating absolutely no offsetting benefits for the American People.

CAFTA's "free flow of people, labor and goods clause" will FLOOD the United States with immigrants from Central America that we can not sustain with jobs or futures without sacrificing our own.

It is a lose, lose all the way around for the people of the United States and the people of Central America.

So for those "wondering", what's all the fuss this time with this trade agreement, the fuss is the American People.

WE don't want it. 96% of the Americans who voted tonight on the Lou Dobbs poll voted to REJECT CAFTA.

WE don't want it. And that's really all that matters in the United States of America. Americans do not send officials to Washington to represent the 4% who for whatever reason voted in that poll to approve CAFTA. Americans send officials to Washington to represent and execute the Will of the American People which is the Majority.

WE, the Americans, Say No to CAFTA, so you know in your hearts that your responsibility as members of the House of Representatives is to VOTE NO ON CAFTA. You are sent to Washington to handle matters for us. There are many issues that we do not get involved in, but when we do, your mandate is to execute our Will.

WE are not interested in capacity-building through CAFTA, WE are not interested in enriching wealthy elites in either country through CAFTA, WE are not interested in the individual corporations who gain or lose with this or that clause of CAFTA due to this TPL or that TPL, BECAUSE WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN CAFTA AT ALL!!

We are also not interested in COMBINING with our NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTH TO COMPETE WITH CHINA, because We Are Not Interested In Combining With Other Nations At All.

Let's be clear. WE DON'T WANT CAFTA. PERIOD!!

The American People say no to CAFTA, please vote no to CAFTA and execute our Will so that OUR WILL BE DONE!!

You can try to force this good neighbor stuff down our throats; you can try to force this "do the right thing" down our throats; but it isn't going to fly tonight. We've researched it; we know the truth; we know the evils of this bill. That aside, when the American People speak and we have, you have an obligation to us to listen and do the right thing by us, not the other way around.

See how that works? See, We don't do for you, You do for US, because you are our Elected Representatives!!