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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Message from Team American I just received

    Bush Administration ratting out our Minutemen..And Senate could vote as
    early as Monday!!

    Dear Friend,
    You won't believe it! The U.S. government has been telling the Mexican
    government the positions of our minutemen!!! This administration is in
    collusion with a foreign government against American citizens who are
    trying to protect this country! It is one thing for the president to
    support open borders, but this is not a policy difference. This is an
    administration aiding and abetting illegal aliens!

    We learned last week that the $1.9 billion for border security passed by
    the Senate is nothing but a charade, just an empty act to deceive us.
    Today I learned Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Chairman, told his
    committeeman that no matter what bill passes the President knows the
    border must be secured. One of the committeeman followed up privately,
    asking if Mr. Mehlman was saying that the President had changed his
    position-that he was now going to secure the border even if he doesn't get
    his guest worker plan through Congress. He gave an emphatic "yes".

    But within days when Mehlman was asked by an elected official if that was
    the correct understanding of his remarks, he said he didn't know how
    anyone could have come to such a conclusion! These guys are either in
    complete meltdown or they are deliberately deceiving us.

    One last point: Ken Mehlman, a busy man these days, is also reported as
    telling Senate leadership they must pass an immigration bill! If not the
    Republicans could lose 45 seats in Congress this November. (Explains the
    panic.) So the Senate is behind closed doors this week and could vote on
    a compromise immigration bill as early as Monday!! GET READY TO GET BACK
    ON THE PHONES!! (Senate Phone Numbers can be viewed at )

    Please explain to me: Do these brilliant minds really believe an amnesty
    packed immigration bill will help Republicans retain the House?

    One last point: The President's approval rating has dropped another 5
    points in just a few weeks, down to 31%. (Explains more panic.) He can
    thank his amnesty proposal and our open borders for that! If he keeps
    pushing amnesty and working with Mexico-he is going to make Nixon look

    I'll let you know news on the action in the Senate as soon as I get it.

    My best,

    Bay Buchanan

    PS We mailed over two hundred bricks to Congress today at your request.
    More requests are coming in every hour. Hope many of you are sending your
    own! If you want us to send a brick for you , go to

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    But within days when Mehlman was asked by an elected official if that was
    the correct understanding of his remarks, he said he didn't know how
    anyone could have come to such a conclusion! These guys are either in
    complete meltdown or they are deliberately deceiving us.
    You know when politicos are lying?

    When their mouth is moving. Enforce immigration laws!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Has anyone else sent a brick?

    I haven't , but think I will stop by the PO and pick up some one-price priority boxes.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    ScottyDog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I would like to send a brick made out of the calling cards my dog leaves in the back yard. He is a Rotweiller.

    I call his calling cards little Volkswagens.

    Yeah, that should get me on the list and promptly reported to the Mexican Government
    Is this Mexico or the USA

  5. #5
    Member Marie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I sent three bricks today; one to that idiot Mel Martinez.

  6. #6
    Member Mass_Citizen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Just sent a brick

    I just sent a brick to Rep Tierney of Mass;

    To: Representative John Tierney
    Rm. 105, Lynn City Hall
    Lynn, MA 01902

    No amnesty for Illegals, Secure the border, No in state tuition for illegals, Increase interior enforcement, Punish those that hire illegals.
    Listen to the Citizens(voters) of Massachusetts and stop pandering to Illegal Aliens(can't vote).

  7. #7
    Senior Member Cujo47's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Montgomery county Texas
    It is about votes folks, both parties are but one combined, They are afraid of the Tea party. Either way the votes go the GOP is history and has been for ages. They are the dems and repubs combined that are the progressives and cannot afford for the Tea Party to beat them.

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