Arturo Sarukhan said this at last week's meeting organized by the US Chamber of Commerce, led by that "box-of-rocks" American otherwise known as Tom "Commerce Above All" Donohue...

“Comprehensive Reform must start in Mexico… unless Mexico is able to deliver the jobs, well-paid jobs, and economic growth to anchor the 400,000 people who cross the border every year. Even if we had the rosiest, peachiest comprehensive reform approved tomorrow on Capitol Hill, that would not do the job. We have to make sure that we can grow at a sustainable rate to keep our people in. At the end of the day we have a unique and critical role to play, as Tom Donohue alluded to minutes ago. The end game has to be that every single Mexican that crosses that border into the US everyday, does so legally whether through a guest-worker program or added visas – the end game is that every Mexican that crosses that border legally into the USâ€