Meet the new face of hate and racism in America.

According to Latino activists and American reporters that condone and support illegal immigration , YOU MIGHT BE A RACIST IF....

You're worried terrorists will enter America as illegal aliens? RACIST !

You're concerned about illegals bringing TB and other diseases to your town, schools, and local food services? RACIST !

You're concerned that MS-13 is growing in your vicinity? RACIST !

Your taxes are going up fast to pay for services to illegals? RACIST !

You would like those around you operating heavy machinery to speak English? RACIST !

You think that Texas, New Mexico, California, and Arizona are part of the United States? RACIST !

You are worried about the fights and riots involving the children of illegal aliens at your local schools? RACIST !

You are concerned about the growing cases of identity fraud caused by illegal aliens stealing identities and documents? RACIST !

Can't afford health care because illegal aliens get treated without paying? RACIST !

Your local hospital is about to close like hundreds of others in the border states due to illegal immigration? RACIST !

Foreign nationals with allegance to other nations are registering to vote in your state? RACIST !

You wont go on vacation in Central America due to the kidnappings and murder of Americans? RACIST!

You're Latino but you don't support law breakers? RACIST!

You're Black but you don't think illegals should compare themselves to the American civil rights movement? RACIST!

An illegal alien took your job and you want to point that out? RACIST!

You won't give up your seat or your children's seat in the limited space in college? RACIST!

You are upset the factory your family worked at for years moved to Mexico? RACIST!

Your small business can't compete with the busines breaking the law and hiring illegal labor across town? RACIST!

The day labor site near the bus stop your kids use is dropping community safetly levels and property values? RACIST!

Concerned about big corporations selling out your nation? RACIST!

Concerned about the Rule of Law and the founding principals of the United States related to immigration? RACIST!

You have a problem with people working for less than minimum wage? RACIST!

You said something about workers and employers not paying taxes while you do? RACIST!

Concerned about gang rape as an initiation and terror tactict used by violent gangs? RACIST!

Americans civil rights violated by angry violent mobs? RACIST!

Want to go to Vegas to talk about illegal immigration? RACIST!

You think that national borders are important? RACIST!

Feel like you have any say over what documents your local bank and DMV accept as proof of legal presence? RACIST!

You don't like the flag of other nations being elevated over your own flag? RACIST!

Don't want your kids to be forced to speak Spanish? RACIST!

You're one of the 4 out of 5 Americans that answered a poll saying you want more done about illegal immigration? RACIST!

You think Congress should enforce our existing laws? RACIST!

You don't think illegal aliens should be released from US prisons to victimize more Americans? RACIST!

Your heart goes out to other Americans and the families of police officers killed by illegal aliens? RACIST!

You tried to have a civilized conversation with a reporter about these issues? RACIST!

Your protest was not the one with all of the foreign flags? RACIST!

You think that slogans and websites named brown pride might be racist? RACIST!

You think the Aztlan movement sucks? RACIST!

You were standing in a public place holding an American flag when you were hit in the head with a projectile? RACIST!

You stood on the border with a cell phone, lawn chair, and binocculars? RACIST!

You're an American? RACIST!