Ah, Christmas approaches in Oregon, the sights, the sounds.

We sat snug in our home, sipping hot chocolate, watching movies, with our Christmas lights twinkling all around us on the tree, from the windows and outside on our porch, a lovely sight....sigh.

Then, what's this? A police cruiser, with it's potential to light up the streets, slowly eases down our complexes driveway, to our neighbors adjoining duplex. One officer slipped out of his seat, and then the other, opening the cruisers back doors, they assist the neighbors 15 year old son, and his friends (or should we say "homies") out.

Then to our surprise, the backs of the officers kevlar vests say "Gang Unit"

This is when I think "yes, I did happen to notice when the three young men left earlier, that they were dressed in the appropriate gang attire, must have had some sort of meeting, to discuss their next good deed for the joyous Christmas season, they being the grateful illegal alien born anchor babies they surely are"!

Those lovely officers must have wanted to be sure that those delightful young men got home safely and all, and even walked them to the front door to thank their wonderful illegal aliens parents for coming here and bringing their "family values" with them, producing such fine young men!!

I think our new landlord needs to know what fine young men they are, and that they live right here, under his nose, doing great deeds in our community...don't you all think he would want to know? Me too.

Merry Christmas, I think mine will be!!