I am sorry to berate some Republicans, but it is a must.

Those that thought voting for Democrats this year, thinking they were going to teach a lesson to Republicans....you have messed us up!!!!

Yesterday, an article in the NY Times, stated Republicans lost the 2006 election due to the stance on illegals.

This article states that the Dems and Republicans are going to get together and stop the fence, give lawbreakers a "path to citizenship"...and it's all to "teaching them a lesson"?

Who did they hurt? Us!

This morning in Reuters, there is another article, stating the same thing...the media and Dems are circulating stories that anyone wanting illegals stopped and deported, are racists, KKK members, Neo-Nazi's, etc.

They are defaming us!

Not one word on the illegals costs to us, not one word on I.D. theft, not one word on the gangs, drugs, murderers, etc.

The "bleeding hearts" are working overtime to defame us.

When their kid's and grandkids' wake up one morning, and find there are no jobs, except low paying ones, that we have completely changed our whole culture....will they realize what they have done.

Please...start emailing, faxing now.....especially to Jeff Flake, who will do anything to get campaign $$$ and votes, as well as most of the others!