Apparently, the illegals are having second thoughts about their ridiculous protest on May 1. Actually, for most this would be the FIRST real thought.

The article below gives the executive summary. Link to full story at end!

We are winning! Remain diligent for America!


LOS ANGELES - Organizers of the movement that has led hundreds of thousands of immigrants onto the nation's streets are split over whether to press ahead with the next big protest — a May 1 national work stoppage and student boycott.

Backers of the protest want to dramatize the importance of immigrants to the U.S. economy by leaving construction sites and restaurants undermanned, crops untended and hotel rooms uncleaned. They also hope empty classrooms will demonstrate that immigration reform is a major issue for future voters.

Some are now afraid the split in their ranks could suppress participation May 1 and cause the movement to lose momentum. ... MlJVRPUCUl

Food for thought: Where will liberals get voters if the illegals chicken out?