Border wall proposal angers many in Mexico

The government has hired a public relations firm to carry out a lobbying campaign against the plan.

EL UNIVERSAL ONLINE-- Mexico pledged to block a U.S. proposal to extend walls along the U.S. border, promising Tuesday to raise "a storm of criticism" and the condemnation of the international community against a bill that would also criminalize undocumented migrants.

Mexico raised the stakes in the battle against the bill, approved by the House of Representatives last week, by hiring a U.S. public relations firm and organizing a separate U.S. lobbying campaign against it.

Oh great, now U.S. public relations firms are taking cash from a foreign govt. to protest against border protection and U.S. national security. At one time this might be considered treason.

"Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said, adding the government will do "whatever is needed" to oppose the measure.

WILL NOT ALLOW construction of a secure border fence? Who the hell do they think they are to dictate to us what we can and can't do in regards to our own security and national interests? They will 'do whatever they can' to oppose the wall. How about doing whatever it can to keep its citizens from invading and turning us into a third world nation like they have created in their own country?

"What has to be done is to raise a storm of criticism, as is already happening, against this," he said.

Derbez said he would take the issue to the international community, in an effort to build opposition to the measures.

Mexico is organizing U.S. church, community and business groups to oppose the proposal, and it has hired Allyn & Company, a Dallas-based public relations company, to help improve the country´s image and stem the immigration backlash.

"If people in the U.S. and Canada had an accurate view of the success of democracy, political stability and economic prosperity in Mexico, it would improve their views on specific bilateral issues like immigration and border security," Rob Allyn, president of the PR firm, told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

If only we ignorant Americans had "an accurate view of the success of democracy, political stability and economic prosperity in Mexico"? Can you believe this B.S.? If they are so successful, then why does a full 10% of its population have to illegally invade our country and mooch off U.S. taxpayers for everything from healthcare, housing, welfare/food stamps, etc. to education for their prolific offsping? Give me a friggin' break. The only thing more disgsusting than this spewing of garbage, is the fact that Bush just sits back and takes this crap, if not altogether siding with these corrupt, gutless, worthless morons.