Said I wouldn't be back, but felt some of you should know this....

Senator Lott Gets Tough on Immigration
Let's Give Him Our Support
May 2, 2006
Dear Barbara,

It appears that our efforts are beginning to have a very positive effect.

On May 1st, the day illegal aliens tried to shut down our country as they rallied for amnesty, Senator Trent Lott, one of the most powerful men in the U.S. Senate today, spoke on Fox Television News and told millions of viewers that he is highly offended when illegal people come into this country, take jobs illegally, and then protest and wave foreign flags.

He said that the U.S. Senate will not be intimidated by these rallies and that he believed they would have just the opposite effect.
The most shocking part of his statement, however, was when he suggested that the Senate needed to move closer to the House immigration bill that focuses on enforcement first.

He also stated that he adamantly opposes amnesty, guest worker programs and any pathways to citizenship for illegal aliens.

The Senator from Mississippi added the only idea he does support is a role for temporary workers who can enter the country to do a specific job for a limited time and then must leave the country, but said that could be taken up after the Congress has taken the steps to secure the borders first.

This could be the major breakthrough we have all been working towards and we need to ensure that Senator Lott stays on course.

Please go right now to our website's Legislative Action Center to get the information you need to contact Senator Lott; thank him for his courage and leadership on this issue; and urge him to stay strong in his support of enforcement first.

Click here for our Legislative Action Center

Thank you for your interest and your support for our work.
Most Sincerely,

Edward I. Nelson
U.S. Border Control
8180 Greensboro Drive #1070
McLean, VA 22102