I believe the Military should protect our Borders on a permanent bases. ICE needs more resources. The military was created to protect our Country. The fences will only work with the backing of our soliders.
We know our Military works, when led correctly. We would strengthen our Military and re-open some Military bases. This would improve business and allow our soliders to have jobs when they return to the states.

When I was a child, I can remember my parents saying the government is trying to elimate the middle class. The middle class is not being represented by our goverment officials. This is supported when we see people not obeying our laws, our jobs being sent overseas and people not able to support their families with cheap wages, companies allowed to hire people who they are not sponsering, unprotected borders, and the draining of our Countries resources.

We need to live independently and vote in politicians that support true American values and that support all the people who legally come to our Country and us American Citizens and insure our laws are obeyed. Libertybell