Hey guys I hope this is not innappropriate to copy and paste this from the Minutemen Blog, this gentleman made this absolutely intelligent explanation under the story of "The Reality for Mexicans who cross the Border". I thought you all might like reading this, I felt this was a wonderful explanation to the issue.

Comment from: Stuart Shoemaker [Visitor]
I have travelled extensively or lived in:

Mexico, Canada, Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Belgium, England, Denmark, Korea and Japan.

None of these modern countries will tollerate even the smallest smidgen of this kind of whining excuse-making. The maudlin sentiment expressed by these "pobrecitos" will produce results from laugher-in-their-face to an instant trip to the local prison, and deportation on the next plane out at dawn.

Latin, and especially, Mexican culture, CHOOSES to cultivate victimhood, in which it wallows endlessly, and only periodically errupts into irrational violence which kills a lot of people, but accomplishes nothing in the way of real change - only to sink back into its self-imposed squallor and self-pity again. You can hear it in their music as well. Yes, it is true they have been an oppressed people for 5 centuries, but their culture has never produced a Renaissance, which would teach them the value of honor and integrity. Those were crushed by the Catholic Church and Spanish crown in the New World. They, and their culture, will have nothing to offer modern, civilized nations until they have engendered those traits in their own societies. That means Mexicans must return to Mexico, and hold a "Mexican Renaissance" which develops a modern sense of individual integrity and an awareness of the importance of law in settling disputes - in the place of vengeance for and cohesion to the extended family alone. Until they have rejected their culture of victimhood, they have nothing to offer ANY modern society, but their own, self-inflicted, feckless, wallowing in their own self-imposed misery. This is not racial at all, but entirely a matter of their cultural conditioning, as some rising Latin societies like Chile have begun to show, as well as those Hispanic Americans who individually have made the necessary adjustments to function effectively in the modern world.

Though political correctness will likely call it "inhumane", what they need, IMO, is a dose of "tough love" as the proper therapy for an immature citizenry. We can not do that for them. They will properly reject it as alien. They will have to do it for themselves. The best we can do is not let them get away with their cop-outs, and not let them hide them from themselves by hiding out in OUR society.

A 15th century culture cannot co-exist peacefully in ANY 21st century society for very long.

Yes, I know, I am pedanticly lecturing everybody like an old school teacher (which I was for a while), but there does not seem to be anybody else around who has, "Been there. and done that!"