Maybe someone here has connections to an investigative reporter?

How about getting a few legal Latinos who support doing things the right way, and a matching number of legal Americans to apply for various jobs in various locations. For instance, entry level jobs at Walmart, or McDonalds, etc. anywhere where illegal help predominates. Our volunteers could all carry small tape recorders and/or be taped by hidden cameras. Of course the legal Latinos would have to act like they barely speak English and have no documents or obviously fake ones, like an American surname on the documents offered. etc.

I'd like to know the pay offered to the illegals vs. minimum wage, or the going rate for whatever job. Also why are qualified legals turned away and the illegals hired. In any situation where the illegal is chosen over the legal applicant it would be good to have audio or videotaped documentation.

What jobs are offered to whom, at what rate etc. Who is turned away and why. How do they deal with fake ID, and social security cards etc. You get the picture. The employers who bend the law and favor illegals could be interviewed after and ask why they did so.

The finished product could go to Dobbs or to any of the talk show hosts, or even be aired on some station that has the guts to do it.