Russell is one of endorsed Candidates. Let's help if we can Alipacers. He's tighten the race. Let's get Murtha out there. Help and pray!

October 29, 2008 - 14:31 ET

William Russell

GLENN: Unbelievable. Unbelievable. You know, all I want for Christmas is for Murtha to lose. That's really -- I mean, I'll take, the little things in life will make me happy. Welcome to the program. By the way, we have four sold-out shows now on the Christmas Tour. We are going to add two more shows. We're going to -- hopefully I'll have the announcement for you this afternoon if we can work it all out. They started working on it last night. We're trying to add another show in Tampa and another show in Pittsburgh. In Pittsburgh it would be a matinee on Saturday and in Tampa it would be either the day before or the day after and we're trying to get that done. We'll give you the details. But those two cities along with The Villages sold out now. So we have those four shows that have been sold out. We'll try to add two more. Tickets are going just, I mean it's incredible. I'm very grateful that you would trust me with your hard earned money to help me -- or let me entertain you for an evening and try to refill your bucket full of hope with the Christmas Sweater. But tickets are going like crazy and we're going to have several cities that are sold out this tour. So grab your tickets right now. I mean, if you are in Ohio, grab them early and often. You know, register dead people to go ahead and pick them up as well.

Anyway, let's go now to Lieutenant Colonel William Russell. He is a guy who is running against Murtha in Pennsylvania. And if I'm not mistaken, Bill, you are just a regular guy who just had enough. You are not a politician. You just decided to run because you couldn't take Murtha anymore?

RUSSELL: Well, that's correct, Glenn. And certainly it really hit me about a year and a half ago. I was stationed at the Pentagon and, of course, I had seen Mr. Murtha's comments, one calling for withdrawal from Iraq and two throwing the Hadith Marines under the bus. But the effect that that was having in terms of encouraging this really hit me emotionally when we had a visit from wounded warriors come to the Pentagon in March of '07. Of course, I had seen Mr. Murtha's comments, one calling for withdrawal from Iraq and two throwing the ID for Marines under the bus but the effect that that was having in terms of this really hit me emotionally when we had a visit from the wounded warriors come to the Pentagon in March of '07 and to see these men and women with the levels of wounds they had, some of them missing arms and legs, a lot of them had their shattered limbs being held together by the steel spikes going into the bones with the external braces and a couple had been wounded in the face and lost eyes. And it just really hit me emotionally that Mr. Murtha's encouragement of the enemy and putting the United States stamp of approval on enemy propaganda, just couldn't stand it anymore and that's my big why of getting into this race.

GLENN: And he has basically said that civilians were just sitting out in a room or they were in a field and they were executed on purpose by our troops. We were killing innocent women and children over there, and he has never apologized for that.

RUSSELL: That's correct. In effect, in his interview with the Pittsburgh Post Gazette in which that was one of the first interviews in which he made his racist comments. He also reiterated that he would not apologize to the Hadith Marines and in effect claim that he had claimed some positive effect by accusing these Marines of murder and it really is just, it's astounding to me because at every turn his comments have, one, put these Marines through hell all these -- in fact, one of them, in fact, is from our district that has put these Marines through, just turned their lives absolutely upside down. In fact, we've still got one who is still waiting to go to trial and all the others have been exonerated. Two, it has undermined our troops in the fight by encouraging the enemy and put out in the Arab street. And he put the United States congress stamp of approval on basically a terrorist front group acting as humanitarian rights group that got their story published in Time magazine. And when he endorsed that and put the congressional stamp of approval on it, it has impacted our ability to even negotiate our status of forces to protect United States soldiers from being subjected to Sharia law in the Middle East because --

GLENN: Let me -- because I've got a lot to cover with you. Let me just go on a couple of other things here real quick and then I want to get to some policies that you have that are not the same as Murtha. First of all, the racist comment is not the first time he said something like this. And even if you remember what Barack Obama said, Murtha has said the same thing, that people get bitter and they cling to guns and religion and it's a way to explain their frustration. I mean, he's done all of these things as well. He just doesn't stop. Are there racist, bitter people there in your constituency or what you hope to be your constituency?

RUSSELL: You know, there -- I mean, every district you've got a very small percentage but what was such a slap in the face about what he said is that this is an area that votes its values, it's a very pro life district. Yes, it is a very religious district and certainly they hold to their values of that fierce independence and the idea that every man's home is his castle and fully support that light of self-defense. But they vote their values. They, in fact, voted for Lynn Swann for governor, a black conservative, but they are adamantly opposed to Barack Obama because Barack Obama is, one, such an adamant pro abortion candidate, he is antigun rights, and everything he stands for is opposed to the core values of people of this district.

GLENN: Right.

RUSSELL: And to attribute that to the lowest possible of all motivations is just such a direct insult and it shows how little respect Mr. Murtha has for the constituents of the district and has just been demonstrated over and over again by his actions and his words.

GLENN: is your website.


GLENN: You say that you want to strengthen the castle doctrine because Murtha has tried to water it down. With you explain?

RUSSELL: He also helped rewrite the D.C. gun law that was so restrictive, that was thrown out by the Supreme Court, and he helped write one and broker the deal on the new one that is almost as restrictive as the old one and will certainly be challenged in court. But with regard to, you know, locally he has been endorsed by the NRA as most incumbents are and so he hasn't actually been too bad on guns as far as Mr. Murtha's policies himself. The only way he has diverted from that has been one in the D.C. law and, two, in his vote for Barack Obama.

GLENN: He's also, a lot of people are afraid in your district that if you lose Murtha, you'll lose a lot of money. I mean, he's funneled $870 million to his district. That's an, I mean almost a billion dollars has gone to his district. How do you respond to that?

RUSSELL: Well, most people are beginning to realize that, one, the money that he is funneling into the district is only benefitting the selected few, specifically those who are close supporters of him. And two, it has undercut the development of business in the district. And three, he has specifically blocked development of economies that would grow independently of his earmarks. Basically he has developed an economy of dependence which requires his reelection. And what I want to see us do is develop our coal-to-liquid fuel, actually produce, get fuel for the Air Force in this area that could not only service the Air Force but the entire airline industry. We could do this economically and keep the price of gasoline and fuel down. And this region, we should be leading toward energy independence. We've got the greatest coal and natural gas reserves in the nation and we shouldn't need to wait on the next handout from Washington. And so what I'm proposing is that we develop industries that will grow beyond the defense industry and will answer the needs of the national and international markets.

GLENN: Murtha has said there's no G damned way he's going to lose. That's a quote. The arrogance of this guy just boggles my mind. People, are you starting to get the Republicans to look at you and look at your race as something that you actually could win? I see there's two polls. I think you have -- in one you're down by four. The other has, what is it, up by 13, or is that Murtha down by 4 and Murtha up by 13? But you're competitive?

RUSSELL: Yes. Yes, we are. And the one that shows the Susquehanna poll is the one that has me down by 4. And certainly that one's probably more indicative of our internal polls and closer would show us hovering about 50% because that one, the Susquehanna poll is within the margin of error, et cetera. The other one is Robo Poll. Yeah, we would like to believe it but, you know, we're still in a tight race; let's keep running as if we're neck and neck.

GLENN: Well, I've got to tell you, I hope if the people of Pennsylvania send you to Washington D.C. that you clear out the rats nest and you keep the honor that you obviously have and you learned in the military and you serve the people and do the right thing and stand up against the weasels.

RUSSELL: I'll certainly hold to those values, Glenn, and thank you so much for your compliments on that.

GLENN: You bet. You bet. Retired Lieutenant Colonel William Russell. He is running now. You can find out all the information about him at If you want to do something, I've been saying you want to get involved, you are supposed to seek these people out, which is what we're trying to do on the program. Seek these people out. If you hear one of them that you think, okay, that guy could make a difference, I would ask that you would support him. If you can't support this guy, find somebody else. But support these people. They need your support. That is, Thanks, Bill, talk to you again.

RUSSELL: Thank you so much, Glenn. Take care.