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  1. #1
    meltdown's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    More On Jobs Americans wont do

    Re: re re: The jobs Americans won't do

    Ok, let's try a little exersize. Try to imagine a world far, far, away, a long, long time ago before
    one million illegals arrived on an annual basis.

    Does anyone remember 1976 ?

    I do.

    I worked my way through UCLA painting apartments for $10-$15 an hour.

    In 1976, $10 was worth more than it is today, and a college kid or teenager could work and actually
    make a tidy sum.

    Know how much apartment painting pays 30 years later ?

    About $10 per hour.

    $10 is worth FAAAAR less today than it was 30 years ago.

    So, you may ask, why has the wage not gone up ? I mean, interest rates are low, and rents for
    apartments have increased five fold if not more.

    So, why are wage the same as they were 30 years ago ?

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now, if wages had increased at least three fold, I can GUARANTEE that AMERICANS would take such jobs.


    But due to the socio-economic nuk e of the Mexican and Central American SLAVE TRADE, which has become the opiate of both the LEFT AS WELL AS THE RIGHT, the MASSIVE influx of slaves has exerted
    downmward pressure on wages, thus blowing Americans out of several industries.

    As the original poster noted, Americans will not take the jobs whose wages are ridiculous.

    However, had wages kept up with the times, more Americans would have been employed.

    And dream for a moment, what society would be like without the Slave Trade....

    ...less graffiti....

    ...cheaper rents...

    ...less overcrowding...

    ...smaller classrooms...

    ....less gangs....

    ....lower taxes....

    ...better emergency medical car...

    Go ahead, dream for a moment would our lives would be like without 20 - or 30 or 40 million illegals
    flooding our lives...

    Or call me racist and go on believing whatever you want to believe.

    But should you do so, realize that the Republican Matrix that is thirsty for slaves has you.

    Location: The Matrix Has YOU !

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Outstanding post!!

    Lets say it altogether in unison:

    Do you have a Dream?

    "I have a Dream"

    And what is that Dream?

    "A nation free of illegal aliens."

    But do dreams come true?

    "In America they do!!"

    Why do dreams come true in America?


    "This is the United States, and

    "WE are The Americans.

    "WE not only decide what happens here ...

    "WE control what happens here."

    Why do you think you still control what happens here?


    "WE were born with the power to preserve the United States by all means necessary, whatever it takes."

    But why do you think you even know how to preserve the United States?


    "WE've been trained our entire lives to preserve the United States."

    But will you preserve the United States?

    "Absolutely. Why would WE not?"

    Some say it may be too late, what say you?

    "WE don't take advice from Traitors."

    What do you do with Traitors?

    "WE give them a pink-slip with no pension, prosecute them for their crimes against our nation and people, cart their butts off to jail, then confiscate all their money for the damages they caused the United States and American Citizens."

    Isn't that complicated?

    "Not for an American. For an American, it's very simple because:



    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #3
    Senior Member Beckyal's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Meltdown and Judy great expression of what the American dream should be!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cliffdid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This is a great post. It sure is true. I look around me and wonder if I'll ever see America come back to the way it used to be. Back to a time when I didn't feel like I was being pushed out of my own country!

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