[quote]Unfortunately, the mainstream media (MSM) in their coverage of Arizona isn’t telling the whole story. This battle has been portrayed as a racial issue, when in fact, it is not at all.

As the originator of the BUYcott concept, I have been asked to speak at BUYcott events in recent weeks. This allowed me to spend time in shops, restaurants, and hotels in Arizona, and to speak to many people of all races regarding SB1070. I put on my investigator hat and even I was surprised at how little we really know about the situation on the ground in Arizona.

LIE #1: Most minorities are opposed to SB 1070 because they are afraid of being unfairly accused, stopped, racially profiled, or in some way inconvenienced or abused.
The facts: The hotel where we stayed had Native Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and Asians. I used my down time to interview them about SB 1070 and I was shocked to learn that not one person I spoke with of any national or ethnic origin was opposed to SB 1070.

They know that dangerous terrorists have established an entire entry strategy utilizing the advantage of our broken borders, and as one Native American told me, “I would rather be asked for my ID than have my people blown to bits by a terrorist.â€