(a) In General- Beginning on October 1, 2007, an alien (other than a national of Mexico) who is attempting to illegally enter the United States and who is apprehended at a United States port of entry or along the international land and maritime border of the United States shall be detained until removed or a final decision granting admission has been determined, unless the alien--

The rest of this section (and anything else you care to read) can be read at the url. For the rest of this section above just go to Section 131.

This bill is full of "convenient imaginary borders". It is designed to offer the possiblity of a fence but with so many loopholes that would provide the "legitimate" reason not to build the fence that it is ABSOLUTELY A TOTAL WORK OF FRAUD TO THE AMERICAN CITIZENS.

I SUGGEST YOU ALL PULL UP YOUR STATE CONSTITUTIONS AND READ EVERY WORD IN THEM RIGHT DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL. You need to get rapidly familiar with your state representatives since many states are now putting forth bills that will allow them to mingle with DHS on these matters. Unlike the President's scam we have a fair warning on what may or may not occur under state law.

It is important to find out the position (regarding illegal immigration ) that local and state representatives are taking. Those state and local representatrives will be on the front lines of the second wave of legislation and may in fact hold the states sovereignty when push comes to shove.

Also someone on another site had a suggestion that I thought was worthy of passing along. One of these sites who are trying to help Americans should create a trust account that can be donated to by citizens that would set aside money to pay for a lawyer to fight this illegal invasion and put those responsible for dissolving The United States where they belong.

We are funding the fence. We can fund our own legal offensive to take back our country.
I am not worried that America could not restore its economic base. We did it once we can do it again. I am concerned that we simply cannot withstand the population explosion of people who are very serious about undermining our political system and usurping our phyiscal land and infrastructures.

YOU Need to copy that section and put it on a flyer and hand it out on a street corner or stuff mailboxes (probably illegal so maybe just stick it in their door). The word needs to get out. I sent a copy of that in a letter to my editor (they are a bit out of tune with reality)

YOU need to copy that section and use it to make the point to your House representative JUST in case they don't read the bill. They have several days to review this but......... perhaps their barbeque is more important to them than our nation's sovereignty.

The fools reconviene in on the 6th. They need to be met with the power of as many millions of us as we can. I wish we could be at that fence in front of the White House with our plackards waving in the air.

Barring Martial Law we have a tiny window of time with which we can organize and launch an offensive to stop the madness but not much. The bill references some items starting within 30 days of the passage of the garbage. The deadline to have this operational is 2010. I think Bush has stepped up his schedule realizing the secret is out.

HOW do we organize this without a billion dollars in a pot (donated by corporate America)?