Dear Mayor Flores:

I think it is time that you come to terms with the crisis of illegal immigration and the devastating results that it is having on this country! You ask for help and assistance because you are worried about the violence spilling over into your city. Yet, it seems to me that economics dictate your moves more so than the safety of your citizens. I do not see you any differently than the rest of the greedy elite that do not give a rip about the citizens of this country! You sit there and ask for help, and then talk about how wonderful these people are! Well, do you really think for one minute that they would defend YOU! They come across the border illegally, they are lawbreakers and that is a fact! I feel for the citizens of Laredo! You should be raising total H_ _ _ to get the military on the border! If you do not and any citizen is killed by these drug cartels, then in my opinion, it is on YOUR head! I hope you can live with that! I could not!

Never, ever, sell out your country! The way I see it, it is up to YOU to protect the citizens. Stop burning the candle at both ends! You cannot have it both ways! Have you not grasped this yet? I think you under estimate the will of the people! I would not look for running for another term in office if you continue down the road you are going!

My Daughter was born in Texas, so that makes her a CITIZEN of TEXAS and as her mother, I have every right to voice my opinion!

Get a backbone, or move aside!