All-out economic war has been declared on the middle-class in America, and it is up to us to defend ourselves.
It is painfully obvious that our elected leaders will not defend us, nor will big corporations, who seem to be leading the full speed charge against American workers and their families, and America, itself, as an independent sovereign nation.
The media are a joke, when it comes to the real issues, which they avoid as if a modern-day Stalin was taking names and preparing purge lists.
Our learning institutions are so far to the left that they are worse than useless in producing the educated and informed voters that a democratic political system needs to function.
Let me stress that I strongly believe in capitalism, and feel that it is a completely necessary component of democracy and freedom. Conversely, democracy and freedom are needed for capitalism to survive and thrive.
There are fundamental things that need to be changed about the way the American economy is currently structured. A completely unregulated, “anything goesâ€