Bush must think we are apathetic idiots. I will never accept amnesty. The borders need to be secured and the laws enforced now. That is the only way. My letter to Bush:

Mr President,
I eagerly anticipated and watched your "The American people BETTER ACCEPT AMNESTY AND LIKE IT" speech last night. Your paltry plan to secure the border is just NOT ENOUGH. Six thousand National Guardsmen is NOT ENOUGH! Also, these troops MUST HAVE enforcement powers. I also think that 1.9 billion dollars to secure the border is NOT ENOUGH money, considering your Administration spends 2 billion every TWO WEEKS in Iraq. America's security is more important than Iraq!!

My plan to help fund border security calls for the immediate and complete stoppage of funding to social programs such as Welfare, Public housing, Medi-cal, Food Stamps and schooling to illegal aliens. If this proposal was instituted in California alone, we would have OVER 9 BILLION dollars saved that could then be earmarked for border security! Also, when illegals realize that they will no longer be fed by the teat of the American welfare system they will take themselves home. It's win/win. The amount of illegal aliens in the workplace vs. the illegal aliens in prison and on welfare is disproportionate in a negative way. This is a drain on our system and it must stop now.

As I watch this issue unfold, I am disheartened in seeing Mexican Nationals marching in our streets waving the Mexican flag and burning the Stars and Stripes. They had hoped to "cripple the economy and grind major cities to a halt". Sir, America is a Nation at war and the call to cripple America at this time is an act of treason. Should we give these traitorous criminals a path to citizenship? NO! No matter how you try and spin this, the American people will NEVER accept amnesty. Border security and enforcement NOW! That is the ONLY solution and the American people WILL Remember in November!.

A Concerned American Mom