I request a NO vote on the bailout. It is a travesty that our tax dollars would be used to pay for the greed, bad decisions, and in some cases, criminal activity of wall streeters, banks, investors, regulators and some members of government.

I see no real accountability in the proposed bill. What I do see is the same people put in charge of the distribution of the money and oversight of how its handled are those that either caused or certainly aided and abetted the meltdown.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that a percentage of any profits that return to the treasury will likely fall into the hands of racist ethno-centric groups like La Raza and leftist radical corrupt groups like ACORN. Not only must this never be allowed nor come to pass, why is there any PORK at all being inserted into the bailout bill? Why are billions of dollars being handed over to foreign banks, including the Chinese and Saudis?

The American people are appalled at the implosion of our economy enabled by Congress and the Clinton and Bush administrations implementing the CRA and greedily enacted by bureaucrats, the Wall Street raiders, banks, mortgage companies and financial elitists.

Stop the payout to your corporate masters on Wall Street, the very same cabal that caused, fueled and aided & abetted the crisis. They must serve the consequences of their actions for running their companies into the ground. Let the market correct itself! By infusing 700 billion you are artificially propping up the market to crash even harder in the near future and you can bet your fannie that they’ll be coming back for another handout when they run through the 700 billion.

Why are you moving along with the bailout plan when allmost 200 renowned economists have sent a letter to Senator Shelby indicating the proposed bailout won’t work? Furthermore, the CBO has said the bailout would create no certainty that it would improve the current market situation. Have you gone deaf and put on blinders?

Why are you not considering alternatives that do not use taxpayer dollars such as the Defazio-Kaptur 5 Point House Plan that calls for sensible government regulation of the markets and spends no taxpayer dollars on market correction?

Again, do not vote for this socialism of our economy and handout to the criminals and charlatans of Wall Street. Nationalizing almost every bad mortgage in the country is not the answer. You are transferring $700 billion from Main Street to Wall Street. Is Congress out of their mind? How about putting together a hand up to Wall Street rather than a hand out? Hold those responsible accountable!

The latest word has it that the Senate has added $150 billion of PORK to the bill they are hell bent on passing...so now we are at $850 billion and counting. Anyone who votes for this bill is so out of touch with America that I believe there is no hope for their recovery of common sense.

Shame on those in the Bush Administration, the Fed and Congress for their attempt to panic the American people with their doom and gloom fear mongering speeches in order to garner false support to ram the bailout through.

Your bailout bill only treats the symptoms and not the cause. It is far beyond time Congress gets back within the bounds of the Constitution. The bailout bill is unconstitutional.

Stop the bailout! Vote NO!!!