OOOOOOOOOO, Craig is just such an embarrassment to Idahoans! He has consistently voted FOR illegal immigration. I was so mad at him voting for the Dream Act that I fired off this fax to him (via NumbersUSA):

Senator Larry Craig
SH-520, United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Craig,

Aren't you aware that the DREAM Act amnesty would reward illegal immigrants and harm those wishing to come to our country legally?


Like my relatives who have been waiting for over 15 years? Why are they being "punished" when they have tried to do it according to our laws while these adult children of illegals can get their green card in 5 years under DREAM? Does that even make sense?

Also, these DREAMERS are no longer children, Senator. They are in college and therefore they are adults. Why did you vote to give these adults amnesty but not all other categories of adult illegals? Is that fair? I think not.

Please use more common sense when you vote. I don't know if you are really paying close attention to the immigration problem due to your pending lawsuit. If you feel you aren't up to the job because you are distracted, please do Idaho a favor and remove yourself from office. You are doing more damage than good for Idaho Americans.

Also, if you aren't listening to your constituents, then you cannot call yourself "a representative of your state." I know for a fact that most Idahoans who called your office asked you to vote NO on the DREAM Act, and yet you went ahead and voted YES.

On the other hand, Senator Crapo listens to us. He is our hero. All I hear about you are negative things, while Crapo is being praised. Maybe it is because he listens to us, Senator.

BTW, this is the 5th attempt at amnesty. 5th! It is the 5th time it has been shot down by the American people. If you won't listen to us Idahoans, maybe you should listen to the American people of the other 49 states. OR MOVE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, because when it comes to immigration, you vote like one. If you are considering running for re-election, remember that Idaho is a RED STATE.
Sorely disappointed,


P.S. Patriotic Idahoans consider you a "lost cause." We know you are going to push the AgJobs for illegals. Just one more thing to add to your already negative publicity. Sheesh!