Hi, I don't know if I am writing to the correct place, if not please make sure the right person gets this.

I am 38 years old and I live in Jacksonville, FL. I started paying attention to politics when I was 21 when Clinton started to run for office the first time. I registered as an Republican then because I grew up knowing Ronald Reagan as a great American. However, the older I get and the more I have learned I have come to the sad realization that the Republican party is just a shell of it's former self and because the Republican party has drifted away from what has made it successful in the past I have re-registered as an Independent. And because I live in FL I am not going to be allowed to vote in the primaries. The only three candidates still running on the Republican ticket that I will consider voting for are Romney, Hunter, and Paul. Now if the national polls are correct ( something stinks) and the Traitor McCain wins I will be faced with yet another scenario in which I have to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Let me be clear. I find this completely unacceptable. If I am forced with this decision yet again, I will vote for whichever Democratic candidate is running, and I will take my wife and her family as well as everyone else I can with me. If the Republican party cannot or will not nominate a TRUE American for President and they DO NOT GIVE ME A CHANCE TO HAVE MY VOICE HEARD. Then I will help the Democrats destroy this country quickly, instead of slowly like the Republican party is doing. I hate what the Democrats stand for, but I hate the Republicans even more for acting like they have this countries best interest in mind when it is painfully obvious all they care about is big business and getting them CHEAP foreign labor.

It is sad to see what has become of the Republican party, and because you insist on acting like Democrats I will have no choice to just go ahead and vote for a Democrat. You may be saying to yourself, "so what" and that is fine. However, I talk to a lot of people and almost every American I talk to is starting to feel the same way I do about the Republican party. Once the party of America, now nothing more then the party of crooks. I hope to God that more Americans start to wake up and see that we are being sold down the river before it is too late. If not, take comfort in knowing you were part of the reason that this Country will die.