Sen. Mel Martinez

April 11, 2006

I oppose earned citizenship and guest worker programs and support reducing immigration and enforcing our borders because YOU DON'T ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE NOW!

Some things the news isn't showing about these protesters...

Socialist and Communist Parties have been funding and organizing these protest marches.

On Lou Dobbs, Latino's went to President Fox before these marches, they said ".....Capitalism is not working, we need to look at Socialism for the USA." !!!!!

Search Lou Dobbs web page and you will find the transcript.

True American's will not allow you or any other government official, to destroy our country....if you or these lawbreakers do not like our way of governing, our language, our culture, our traditions....THEN GET OUT, INCLUDING YOU!

Both Parties will lose votes over this, it's time for a THIRD PARTY!