Guys, why get MAD about Mexicanization of American stores and businesses? Let's GET EVEN and JOIN a Boycott of stores that employ hispanics to cater to the mostly illegal hispanics.

Now boycott like that may seem a bit harsh to a few people, but this one EXCLUDES stores that support American laws and deportation of Illegals, so IT'S FAIR. And let's not forget that our country is BEING INVADED by MILLIONS of illegals. Are we supposed to just LAY DOWN and do nothing while our country is being taken over?

We better DO SOMETHING about it, or start learning Spanish. Here's the boycott I started. It's not designed to put anyone out of business, just to MAKE people NOTICE that Americans will NOT TOLERATE catering to illegal aliens and instead will support stores that OPPOSE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Here's the link. It also can be printed out and distributed to help promote the boycott.